Your search for 'Lynn Nottage' returned 10 results
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In this delicious comedy, the formerly incarcerated kitchen staff at Clyde’s are on a journey to craft the perfect sandwich. These loveable characters with big dreams serve up a heartwarming story that’s good to the last bite!
Claire Rigsby Artist
Claire is thrilled to experiment with new ways of performing and collaborating, and she’s thankful to Portland Center Stage for giving her the opportunity to do so. Originally from Atlanta ...
Michael Cavazos Artist
Michael is a Queer Chicano theater maker. He is the author of the play Gritos y Chismesitos and co-author of Chic and Sassy and Chic and Sassy: The Higher the ...
Reviews of Clyde's
"There were multiple times during CLYDE’S that I wished time would stop so I could absorb it all... CLYDE’S is a must-see play and the best possible way to end the PCS season." —BroadwayWorld
“ this heart-filled, embodied production, a talented group of artists have channeled ...
PCS Picks: Favorite Sandwich Shops
Inspired by Clyde's, we at PCS have been in search of amazing sandwiches all throughout our local Portland area. We’ve decided to share our staff’s favorite picks!
Mrs. Harrison
At their 10-year college reunion, Aisha and Holly meet by chance. Aisha is a Black, successful playwright; Holly is a white, struggling stand-up comedian. Aisha’s most successful play bears a striking resemblance to a tragic event in Holly’s life. Is it a coincidence or is it theft? They both have a story they’ve been telling themselves about what happened years ago and they’re both willing to fight for their truth in the present.
"Tiny Beautiful Things" Cast & Creative Team
Meet the exciting cast and creative team behind Cheryl Strayed's Tiny Beautiful Things.
"Mojada" Cast and Creative Team
The cast from the Oregon Shakespeare Festival production comes to Portland!
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Portland Center Stage is committed to identifying & interrupting instances of racism & all forms of oppression, through the principles of inclusion, diversity, equity, & accessibility (IDEA).