Sharing some holiday laughs with YOU
Chantal DeGroat plays Belle in Twist Your Dickens, along with iconic characters like Tiny Tim, little orphan Annie, and even Sally from the Peanuts gang. In the interview below, she shares some highlights from her time in the show.
What is your favorite moment in Twist Your Dickens and why?
I love being Annie in the show — I sometimes feel like I'm an actual living cartoon — my head has literally almost popped off! In that same moment on stage, there is no comparison to feeding off of Lauren Modica's energy as the iconic Dorothy who lives in all our hearts.
Describe your craziest costume change:
I have about .00004 seconds to change from one fully actualized ridiculous Xmas character into Tiny Tim, leg brace and all! Thank the stars we have our team of the best dressers you can find anywhere, or this show would be up the creek!
What is your favorite character in the show (played by you or someone else)?
Sam Dinkowitz as the Ghost of Xmas Past almost breaks me on stage on a nightly basis. Just to see him out there, relentlessly giving 100% in that costume with that look on his face (and sweet dance moves) is a holiday treat that keeps on giving
What is the best audience misdeed you can recall?
Gosh, I'd have to say that the amount of misdeeds revolving around poop is a delight. In those moments, I know we are truly coming together as spiritual creatures united in humanity.
What is the most surprising thing that has happened during the run?
Both Jaime Moyer and Beth Melewski were just dynamite as Ruby Santini. The words those ladies would improvise in song have caused the house to roar with laughter like I've never heard! Most of the cast is mesmerized back stage, listening, just loving to hear what they come up with out there.
Anything you’d like to share with people thinking about coming to the show?
If you haven't seen Twist yet, come on down! Who knows how many more chances there will be to see a holiday show that stretches the boundaries like this? ...and if you've already seen it, come watch for the new scenes and improv. We're having a blast up there and would love to share the holidays laughing with you!

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